NPHS Class of 1952

Carefully Aged

Pictures by Nancy Cook
( What wonderful years they were )

A letter from Nancy

Somerset School 7th. Grade Play
Back Row, Chris Nosworthy, Fred Amsten
Joey DuFour John Geisler
Middle Row, Mary Jane Pitcher, Evelyn Varner
Janet King, Dorothy Kerber,
Herman Van de Vaarst, Harry Glatt, David Holcomb,
Gail Carson, Gary Kulak, Norman Creange
Marilyn Happ, Doris Jachtman, Nancy Norris.
Front Row, Virginia Rita, Carol Dickson,
Jane Melick, Nancy Cook, Ava Rita Riley,
Carol Lynn Sanders, Lois Van Winkle.

Same sequence as previous photo
except, Fred Amsten, moved to front row

Somerset School 8th. Grade Class Play, 1947.
Back Row, Charlie Beckwith, Kent Brunson
Middle Row, Phyllis Burger, Shelby Singleton,
Joanna Richard, Evelyn Varner, Gail Tice
Front Row, Nancy Cook, Judy Amrose,
Dominic Cardone, David Holcomb, Marilyn Happ
Doris Jachtman, Mary Jane Pitcher
Harold Apgar [ seated] and Janet King [ standing ]

Same play, entire cast. Are you in this picture???

Avie Riley, 1947

Joan Karcher, Somerset School, 1947

Somerset School, Feb. 1948
Joan Karcher & Elsie Cardone.

Somerset School, Jan. 1948
Betty Wikander.

Somerset School, Jan. 1948
Pat Dorman, Nancy Cook and Gail Tice

Somerset School 8th Home Rooms
(Which home room was yours?)

Joan Facey, 1948.
(Great lunch at 'Chubby's)

Somerset School, June 1948
Gail Tice, Marilyn Happ and Doris Jachtman.

Gail Tice, Pat Dorman and Nancy Cook,

Marilyn Happ and Doris Jachtman
February 1948

Joan Facey and Carolyn Addison
at NPHS, 1948

Pat Dorman, relaxing 1948

NPHS Spring Formal, 1949.
Don Klein '51, Sue Jamison '51
Nancy Cook and Bob Chapman '51.
"Ahhhhhh Youth".

Joan Facey, 1949 " Looking good kid" !!!!!

Pat Dorman, Seaside Park, 1949

Sue Jamison '51, Carol Rowland '51
Nancy Cook and Pat Dorman
Hiking 1950

Gordon Smith, Pat Dorman, Ron Martin
Avie Riley, Nancy Cook and Bob Chapman'51'

Pat Dorman, 1950.

Betty Van Hise, Joan Dealaman
Doris Fuhrer, Ginger Rita

Ginger Rita, Joan Facey, Doris Fuhrer
Avie Riley and Carole Krause

Jane Codington, Nancy Cook and Avie Riley
Deerwood Pool 1951

Nancy Cook at Deerwood Pool, 1951

Seaside Park, 1951 Clara Betzold's sister
Unknown, Pat Dorman [ with hat ] Avie Riley
Betty Jane Applegate and Joan Dealaman
"Can't beat the Jersey Shore"

Pat Dorman and Carole Krause
at Seaside Park, 1951

Seaside Park, 1951
Standing L-R, Clara Betzold "Unknown guy",
Betty Jane Applegate, Joan Dealaman,
"3 more Unknown guys", [ Duh ??? ],
and "2 Unknown girls"
[ Did they bring the 4 unknown guys ??? ] Hmmmmmm,
Clara's sister, Pat Dorman and Avie Riley.
"Oh, well, these things happen at the Jersey Shore" !!!!!

Betsy Seal '51, Nancy Cook, Bob Vasquez '51
, Bob Chapman '51, Seaside Park 1951

Nancy Cook & Betty Jane Applegate
in a .25 cent photo machine, 1951

Doris Jachtman & Jane Melick
"Looking very studious" in 1951.

Senior Ball, May 29,1952
Nancy Cook and U.S. Navy Seaman, Bob Chapman '51.

Carol Krause
"Miss Seaside Park" 1952???

Nancy Cook & Pat Dorman
Seaside Park, 1952. [ Before Bikinis ].

Pat Dorman & Carol Krause
Seaside Park, 1952 [Should have Bikinis !]

This is "our" NPHS, 1952
[ Oh for the good old days !!!!!!! ].